2019年10月27日~11月1日、沖縄県宜野湾市の沖縄コンベンションセンターで開催されたThe 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM13)において松田講師が以下のテーマについて研究講演を行いました。
Akifumi Matsuda, Seo Okkyun, Osami Sakata, Satoru Kaneko, Mamoru Yoshimoto
Room-temperature epitaxy and optoelectronic properties of heavily doped NiO thin films Presentation
The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM13), “Symposium 17: Green processing and Green energy materials for sustainable society”, 28-A1-S17-06, Okinawa Convention Center, Ginowan, Japan, 28-Oct-2019.
title = {Room-temperature epitaxy and optoelectronic properties of heavily doped NiO thin films},
author = {Akifumi Matsuda and Seo Okkyun and Osami Sakata and Satoru Kaneko and Mamoru Yoshimoto},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-10-28},
urldate = {2019-10-28},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}